Former Admins Information
Are you an former admin of Mini Games Server?
Former admins can return back to the administrator team of the former server if they meet these conditions:
Resigned from the administrator team:
-- If an admin has resigned from the administrator team in the past. No matter how long since. Then (s)he should be playing in the server for minimum 2 weeks before (s)he can join back the team.
-- (s)he has to be active obviously!
Got demoted for inactivity:
-- If an admin has got demoted for inactivity and wish to rejoin the team then (s)he has to play minimum 2 weeks before (s)he can join back the team.
-- (s)he has to be active obviously!
- You will start at level 1.
- If you got demoted for other reasons than inactivity then there is a low chance of you returning .But please ask a Administrator Manager.
You meet these conditions? Contact an Administrator Manager Requirement to return.