Discord Rules!
Discord Rules:->Rules:1. Discord Tos/GuidelinesToS/Guidelines must be followed all the times.-> Keep this server English only expect for the channel(s) we allowed to talk intimes.2.Treat other languages.-> Language channels should have a weekly activity, else it will be removed.-> Do not use this server to advertisewith respect.3.Advertising any other community/service/discord server invite link.-> Don't askservice/community/discord servers is forbidden. 4.No NSFW Images or links. Ask to get unban here or discussing about your ban appeal. We have forumsaccess for a reason.-> Talk nicely and respect everyone.-> No NSFW Images or links. (Porn, Gore etc...) -private channel if you maywant to do it only in #nsfw_adult-lounge channel.-> Common sense and forum rules are applied here as well.-> Annoying the Staff/Management over DM's may result in a punishment as well.-> Any kind of racismso.5. Racism or hate speech is forbidden.-> Impersonating a Staff member or anyone in thisforbidden.6.Server Rules and general community is forbidden. Just be yourself.-> Going off-topic/shit-postingrules still apply on Discord.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You also can find them in #server-discussion will result in a punishment.-> Don't random tag people without a good reason.our forums or on our Discord Server as well.