One year ago we addedTaxes are reduced some, but as a tax system! Nowresult of this tax system has been upgraded. -then other things costs more money.- If you have more than 10 000 000 millions your tax level is at 2percent-3% - If you have more than 50 000 000 millions your tax level is at 5percent-If6% - If you have more than 100 000 000 millions your tax level is at 7percent- If10%- Winning bets will now pay 1000$ to the server - When you delete money then 50% of the money goes to the server - When giving money then the server will take 1000$ as tax if you send more than 100 000over $100'000- When giving money then the server will take 500$ as tax if you pay 500 in tax. If lowersend less $100'000- As a contribute then 250.Tax are automatically taken by the server 1st ofwill pay $10 to the server bank each time you buy something from the month.TheshopThe tax regarding cookies & pancakes haventhaven't been changed.