Teamspeak rules
1. General Rules
 • It's not allowed to spam/flood at chat, private message or poking; (Punishment: mute -> kick (ts or room) -> ban)
 • It's not allowed to use traumatic/pornografic avatar pictures or content. (Punishment: Content removed -> 2nd time removed -> ban)
 • It's not allowed to use a nickname that's owned by another person. (Punishment: kick from server -> ban)
 • Advertise servers or community without permission is forbidden. (Punishment: ban)
  » Links/servers related to MG and/or ** community are allowed.
  » Links related to social network (pictures, imgur, facebook...) are allowed.
 • You can only stream music in a public room with a TS admin or manager permission (punishment: kick).
 • We reserve a special room for AFK players.
  » Any player that's afk in any public room, the admin has the right to move them to the afk room.
 • ** Admins room and MG Admins room are reserved for ** and MG admins, and only for them.
  » Player are allowed to enter in any admin room ONLY if any MANAGER move them.
2. Personal Room Rules
 • You can only enter in a private room with the owner's permission. (Punishment: kick from room)
  » Private rooms has password, while public rooms doesn't have.
  » This rule is not apply for TS admins and TS managers, but they should respect the privacity.
 • It's not allowed to use traumatic/pornografic pictures or content for rooms. (Punishment: content removed -> Rights to create a new room revoved).
  » Explicit or illegal content, such as warez, crack and/or copyright contents are also not allowed.
 • Players are allowed to create Semi-temporary rooms at the server, but only create the necessary.
  » This rule is subject to be changed if players abuse with the create room power, also the rights to create a room.
3. Speaker rights and rules
 • Do not enter in a room just to make noises or disturb it. If someone is using it, respect them. (Punishment: kick (room) -> kick (server) -> ban)
 • You can only use your nick or any simillar to it. Example: same in-game nickname without tag.
  » If a player enter with an admin or TS nickname, we reserve the right to ban him from the server.
 • Do not connect and disconnect into the server several times without any reason. (Punishment: temporary ban)
 • Only ** and MG admins and managers are allowed to be TS admins. Do not ask for powers.
4. Punishment
 • If someone break a room rule, the room owner or the TS admin will kick him out of the room. If the problem persist, kick from the server. Then, temporary ban from the server.
 • If a server rule has been broken, the TS admin will kick the player from the server. Then, temporary ban. If persists, perma ban.
 • We reserve the right for a owner of a room to kick any player (besides ts admins and managers) whenever they want, only for the room they own.
 • TS admins and managers can only kick and/or ban a player if any rule got broken. TS managers can interfer and/or kick/ban any kind of unfortunately situation.
Proud Justin Bieber fan!
<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix