Survey results september 2017 [MG]
09-10-2017, 08:20 PM
Here are the server results of Mini Games Server. I would like to thank everyone who gave a reply. It helps! We put this survey for 2 important reasons: To see how the merge of MG & ** was - and see if both servers are working how they should / get opinions about the servers.
In total 68 people has given a reply to the survey!
Category:Â Rate Mini Games Server
Homepage:51.5% of the replies are very satisfied with the current homepage.Â
33.8% of the replies are satisfied with the current homepage. This means that in total 85,3% are satisfied with our homepage. This is a big number, and it means a lot. 10,3% are netural, and the rest ain't satisfied. I do take all numbers and find it very important to read each number and see how I can get the number up to closes 100% as possible. But there will always be people who want it different. I would like to remind you all to put it in suggestions if you have suggestion for changes.
42.6% are very satisfied with the forum. 30.9% are satisfied with the forum. This means that 73,5% people are satisfied with the forum. It's not as good as I hope it could be. But there is a total of 16% who are netural about the forum. So they can be counted too. But if you do have suggestions for stuff to be done at the forum then suggest it. Then I will always consider it.
52.9% are very satisfied with the server. 35.3% are satisfied with the server. This gives us a total percentage of 88,2%. That's a pretty big number, and I'm satisfied that we achieved a big number like that. It does mean that there is a 11,8% who are not satisfied, but there will always be people who want stuff or changes that won't be implented.Â
Server Games:
39,7% are very satisfied with the server games. 38,2% are satisfied with the server games. This gives us 77,9%. This number might be a bit low, but it's impossible to reach a percentage of 100% here. Reason for this is that there will always be games and game categories that some like - but some dislike also. That's what I love about this server. There are games for everyone. Someone will always find a game they like better than others.
36.8% are very satisfied with the irc server. 27,9% people are satisfied with the irc server. This gives us 64,7% in total. It's a low number. But there is a total of 23,5% people who are netural about irc.Â
These numbers ain't that important. But it may be related that I did changes making that you have to login to the ucp to join irc. But that was done because of security reasons and a lot of abuse. I do strongly recommend that you download a irc service. Like mIRC or any other. As it's much easier to use.
User Control Panel:Â
48.5% are very satisfied with the user control panel. 29.4% are satisfied with it. This means that in total 77,9% are satisfied with the user control panel. I do feel that our new user control panel is good. But it's also bigger than the previous one. The old one had a small screen, this one is bigger. But it's also more secure, which means the data is secured. If you do have suggestions related to the ucp, changes or improovements or even new stuff, please put it in suggestions.
The Admin Team:
We thank you all for rating the admins. We will take these ratings into consideration, and it will be published for the admin team.
The Management Team:
70,6% people feel there are enough Management Team members. Meanwhile, the rest don't. But here we've done changes recently. So if we've done this survey after the last promotions, then I believe it would be much higher.
Category: The Server
Do you like recent server updates?I like them: 64,7%
They are bored: 1,5%
There needs to be more updates: 23,5%
They have too many bugs: 13,2%
There should be more new stuff: 20,6%
I don't like them: 1,5%
I take all reponsibility here. There are much I want to do, but also sometimes I don't know what to do as there are little suggestions. But my plan is to make bigger updates, instead of a lot of small ones. And the most important role: test many times before publishing the updates!
Do you report on forums if you see a glitch or a map error?
A total of 72.1% reports bug reports on the forum if found. Meanwhile the rest don't. I don't think it's easy to change this. Some people are lazy and don't report them, meanwhile some are pro reporters and report a lot of bugs. I'm glad you all report bugs!
Do you feel there are a lot of bugs/glitches in our server?
I don't feel there are a lot of bugs. I feel the games scripters, and myself are good at handling bug reports and fixing them. To have low bugs.
But, 67.6% feel there are little bugs. Meanwhile the rest feel there are a lot. And believe me, we will never stop fixing bugs. Even if it's just a small glitch.
Is there anything you feel we should remove from the server? (not games)
- Lag: I'm working on it all of the time. To reduce lag. But I do feel it's getting better for each update. And it is. So believe me, I won't stop fixing the lag.
- Barrels are already limited, and has a high cost to use. I don't feel we should limit it any more.
- Radio messages won't be edited. The radio announcmenets are there to benefit the radio, and it should.
- Vip spec has been removed :-)
- I will put /eatp back.
- Lotto has been removed in the next update.
- Zombie gamemodes has recently been updated. I won't remove it because some people dislike it, meanwhile other likes it.
- Multi Races has been updated to reduce lag. Instead of 50 vehicles, then you get when you spawn / enter cp.
- Shopped weapons should respawn. It's something we've had since years, and the players like and enjoy.
- I won't limit sniper to only some game. Here a solution can be to inform us about the games where it's too easy to mass snipe. So we can add some objects to prevent it.
- I will look into a solution for the skin. I know a lot of respected players wants the skin back. So I will think about it.
- Spawns in the games is a issue we need to fix. We need more random spawns, instead of 10 players on same spawn. Here I suggest you to suggest the games where a lot of players gets stuck. So we can fix them.
- Vip armour won't be removed from LMS / LTS. It's already limited with a lower armour.
- Respected player limit stays 20k. It's easy to achieve it with 10k. We've edited the limit many times. And it's to stop having too many respected players. As it's something you should work hard to get.
- "There was a time during Races when you needed to take vehicle yourself. Now your vehicle changes automatically after you reach certain checkpoint. This is the only feature that I completely unsatisfied with." This is added to reduce lag. As it makes lag if there is 50 vehicles spawned and you run and get it.
Is there anything you would like us to add to the server?
- AFK & clan system won't be added. Connect & disconnect message is added as test in the next update.
- We don't have a cycle system here which decides what is the next game. But you can check /nextgame to see what's next.
- I will add some more abilities to buy with pancakes and cookies. Like money.
- There are no proper vpn checking. But we have one that detects it. And it alerts admins about it.
- If you have new game suggestions then make the map and put it in game suggestions, and we will consider it.
- Double "XP", I assume you mean score :d It's something I'm working on.
- Duel system won't be added.
- Anti spam will be added back.
- There are several suggestions related to gta IV. Can you put it in game suggestions please?
- We won't add voting system back. It never works like it should, as it's ruined by the players who just click the first option.
- We will consider making respected player limit to 50k. A poll might come
- If you have suggestions for new stuff in the respected player shop please suggest it at the forum.
- Suggestions related to the DJ, please tell the DJ managers.
- Rate system might come. It's being worked on, but it's a bit complex still.
- Different ranks for the respected players will be considered.
Category: The Games
Do you feel we have too many games or should we add more?
64.7% wants us to add more games.
22.1% wants us to stop adding more games, and replace current games with new ones.
13.2% wants us to stop adding more games, and replace bad games with new ones.
Solution: Please suggest the bad games in suggestions then we will consider removing them. We already put games to be replaced if it's bad.
Do you feel we have too many games of some categories?
58.8% feels we have too many games of some categories.
41.2% feels that we don't have too many games of same categorie.
Solution: We will look into the game categories where we have too many games and disable the suggestions for them.
The Management Team will look into the game categories which is less liked, and see what we can change about them.
Do you have suggestions of stuff we should do related to our games?
- There are a lot of suggestions related to new gamemodes. Please just make the map, and suggest it in game suggestions.
- Qualitiy over quantity. Correct is this! We will remove games with bad qualitity. But please also remind us about the games with bad qualitity, so we can remove them. Put it in suggestions :-)
- Supermarket (LMS), or Dont get wet - I don't remember why they were removed. But Supermarket can't handle 40 players, and Don't get wet I don't remember why. Will look into it.
- More spawns will be a job for the games scripters to do!
- Zombie games just got updated. So I believe they are better now :-)
- We will look into which games we have too many of, and disable the suggestions of them.
- If you don't understand why a game has shop disabled, please put it in suggestions!
- If you have suggestions for games to have a lower timer or more time, put it in suggestions.
- The games who are too small should be removed. Please suggest the games in suggestions!
Do you have some comments related to our games?
- Check games more often before we accept! Test it before we release it.
- Having a mapper team who makes the games can be considered. But I like having the freedom where everyone can make maps in this server. But will be considered!
Category: VIP
The vip results are for the Management Team. We will be considering the prices if we need to lower it etc.Do you have suggestions for more vip features?
- Key for bomb won't be added. I won't make it easier for the vips to place bomb.
- /myworld is added in the next update.
- More rewards for vip.. Suggest it in suggestions :-)
- Vips won't get admin commands!
- New vip shop? Suggest it in suggestions what to add!
Is there things you don't like about the vips?
- Vips can just place 2 bombs. Not unlimited!
- /vspec is already removed
- Will consider removing armour from vips in LMS & LTS.
Category: Website / User Control Panel / Forum
People use the ucp, website and forum daily and as a tool. I'm happy to see this. Continue with this :-)Do you have comments related to our user control panel? suggestions?
- I don't see any bugs or errors at the ucp. If you find it, please report it!
- Add more rewards? Please suggest it :-)
- Irc was moved to the ucp because of loads of abuse and evading. So it was the only solution to stop it!
- The ucp works for me at the phone. Ofc it's not compromised completly, but it does work. I'm not into making it working perfectly for phone:/
- A solution for the skin system will come.
- You can check other players stats via the homepage.
In generally people seem satisfied with the newucp. I'm happy with that :-)
Do you have comments related to our user homepage? suggestions?
- I will consider adding more images.
- Check if X is banned will come.
- Make ip more visible. Will be done.
- I plan to make a new player stats page when I have time.
Do you have comments related to our user forum? suggestions?
- We already have a lot of mybb plugins. But if you have suggestions for more then suggest it. Do note, I only add official supported plugins via
- Use the "Media" for images related to MG/** - other games etc.
- Will look into the email system.
- Which boards are useless? Please suggest it!
- You can already change theme.
- There is a limit of use on the forum regarding too big queries. So I can't make a board for all groups etc.
Category: End Question
For me it contains the most important question, epsecially in this survey. In total: How satisfied are you with Mini Games Server?
1(bad) Â Â : 0%
2 Â Â Â Â Â Â : 1,5%
3(netural) : 0%
4 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : 4,4%
5 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : 33,8%
6(good) Â Â : 60,3%
I'm happy with these numbers. It means that people are satisfied with MG!
How satisfied are you with the merge of Mini Games Server & **** ********?
1(bad) Â Â : 2,9%
2 Â Â Â Â Â Â : 4,4%
3(netural) : 23,5%
4 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : 14,7%
5 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : 14,7%
6(good) Â Â : 39,7%
Lovely numbers! Happy to hear it :-)
Beremix, the lead server manager of MG (Stefy) are responsible of handling these results and make sure changes and suggestions are done.
- Beremix
Server OwnerÂ
Proud Justin Bieber fan!
<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix
Proud Justin Bieber fan!
<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix
09-11-2017, 05:42 AM
Quote:Â We don't have a cycle system here which decides what is the next game. But you can check /nextgame to see what's next.Since everyone can see this thread, so everyone can use /nextgame command, right?
Whatever, At least "Admins, Moderators and Normal players" can't use this command :3
It says "You can't use this command".
![[Image: rwzX7a1.gif]](
09-11-2017, 07:28 AM
Maybe it's /nextgm? haha.. Will check xD
Server OwnerÂ
Proud Justin Bieber fan!
<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix
Proud Justin Bieber fan!
<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix
09-12-2017, 11:12 AM
Asd I hope new updates are for good
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