Server Update 31.01.2013 (SA-MP v0.3x & Build 20.0.0)


In order to play on server you'll need to download last version of SA-MP Client. For faster download we have provided our own mirror for down.

San Andreas Multiplayer Client Version 0.3x Doawnload
or you can go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> click on Resources|0.3x and click on Get SA-MP v0.3x

Changelog for Build 20.0.0:
-> [IMPORTANT]Updated Server to SA-MP version 0.3x.
-> Added Game Vote System.
-> Added Shotgun to shop.
-> Added God mod for Moderators while on duty.
-> Added command disalowing players to use /nextgame when random game order is in effect.
-> Fixed Kick Message Spam caused by being AFK in CP.
-> Echoed Killing Sprees.
-> Fixed /spawn commands for when user is admin and VIP at same time.
-> Added detection of gamemode type.
-> Added !banscan (!bs) for Admin on IRC.
-> Ban Scan now shows target's player name and full IP.
-> Added AC Weapon Detection Feature in order to reduce Weapon Hacking.
-> Added 2 new Sections to /help.
-> Admins are no longer able to give weapons to normal players.
-> Re-scripted filter used when Player shoots player.
-> Fixed bug not allowing players to enter shopped vehicles as passengers.
-> Fixed reason shortcuts for admins in Ban Reason.
-> Limited Nitro to 1 time per spawn in races.
-> Fixed message sent to players when someone gets muted.
-> Added saving of Lottery Jackpot so it doesn't get resetted to $20k on server crash/restart.
-> Added _RuBinHo_ & [iTG]MiLLeNNiuM to Credits dialog.
-> Added !notice for Administrators on IRC.
-> Added !anotice for Owners & Managers on IRC.
-> Fixed bug with !resetgame and /resetgame.
-> Finally fixed Round Stats not showing correct Largest Killing Spree.
-> Moved /resetgame to Level 2 admins.

Changelog for Build 20.1.0:
-> Added !cookie into !cmds on IRC.
-> Fixed color for Killing Spree message on IRC.
-> Fixed Syntax help for admin on command /drop2.
-> Added Message displaying which game won in Vote System.
-> Fixed bug in \"Let's go to paradise\" Kicking for Weapon Hack at the end.
-> Added Textdraw displaying website adress.
-> Added Textdraw for admins displaying message about spectate.
-> Added Textdraw displaying current killing spree.


Oh here the server update is. Why you don't move it to announcements ?

[Image: a2dOGyd_460s.jpg]

I already downloaded 0.3x yesterday!

[Image: s.php?acc_id=77857&color=7&design=0]

Could u explain the pros an cons within 0.3x and 0.3?

Cool update anyways <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/07-smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->

[Image: 7Gb5max.png]

Its like 0.3e as i have seen!I didnt see its features!

[Image: s.php?acc_id=77857&color=7&design=0]

Mostly security update with some really small features. I didn't add any of those because they aren't compatible with MG, yet.

[Image: s.php?acc_id=1&color=7]

By other hand, now the server has less players online since update. <!-- s:grump: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/02-grump.gif" alt=":grump:" title=":grump:" /><!-- s:grump: -->

[Image: 7Gb5max.png]

Normal, some kids are too lazy to try understanding why server doesn't work anymore for them!
so they don't update their client!!

[Image: s.php?acc_id=26&color=7&design=0]

Correct ShAaM. Also many servers are still on 0.3e or in process of transferring to 0.3x. We need to wait around 20 days to all servers (normal ones, not noobish ones) update to 0.3x.

[Image: s.php?acc_id=1&color=7]

Updated first post with info about Build 20.1.0 released today:

Changelog for Build 20.1.0:
-> Added !cookie into !cmds on IRC.
-> Fixed color for Killing Spree message on IRC.
-> Fixed Syntax help for admin on command /drop2.
-> Added Message displaying which game won in Vote System.
-> Fixed bug in \"Let's go to paradise\" Kicking for Weapon Hack at the end.
-> Added Textdraw displaying website adress.
-> Added Textdraw for admins displaying message about spectate.
-> Added Textdraw displaying current killing spree.

[Image: s.php?acc_id=1&color=7]
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