Merry christmas everyone!


so you lost cookies? most of us did, so what? its only a game Smile
but that said- it would still be nice if we would get old cookies back

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Ye our gift is very all players now have 100 cokkies <!-- s:bumbed: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/020-bumbed.png" alt=":bumbed:" title=":bumbed:" /><!-- s:bumbed: -->

--A long journey starts with a little step--
Here Since - 19/09/12
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Same Tooooooooooo You alllllllllllll Merrrrrrrrrrrrrry Merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry christmas

[Image: 1144083.jpg]

Merry christmas and a happy 2013 !

[Image: a2dOGyd_460s.jpg]

Merry Xmas and happy new year 2013!

And we wish more cookies for us how as gifts! <!-- sRofl --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/010-rofl.gif" alt="Rofl" title="Rofl" /><!-- sRofl -->

Me I had 227 cookies and now 100 -_-

[Image: 7Gb5max.png]

Merry xmas eve, xmas, new year bla bla bla, Can i get my 200 cookies back? Biggrin

Happy holidays n.n

[Image: Signature.php?player_name=Milozard&color=2&design=12]

Life is a dream, Which one allow us to do whatever we want, We must take any advantage of it, because when we die, The dream would never restart.

yea, can i get my 202 cookies back?

[Image: tumblr_lnkgavKciR1qhuln3o1_500.gif]

Merry Christmas Guys and A Happy New Year!!!!!

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