New Management Team Member
that he has taken the position _RuBinHo_ position as
Server Manager
[iTG]MiLLeNNiuMhas also taken position as Server Co~Scripter.
We hope that with this promotion Mini Games Server will get some new games and some new features.
Mini Games Server Management Team
Congratz Mate
Gratz MiLLeNNiuM, good job
Gratz MiLL
Congratulation M amigo xD <!-- s:yaaah: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/024-yaaah.gif" alt=":yaaah:" title=":yaaah:" /><!-- s:yaaah: -->
Thank you all.
still my slave tough
gratz <!-- s:yaaah: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/024-yaaah.gif" alt=":yaaah:" title=":yaaah:" /><!-- s:yaaah: -->
Congratz MiLL , good luck with your job <!-- s:yaaah: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/024-yaaah.gif" alt=":yaaah:" title=":yaaah:" /><!-- s:yaaah: -->
gg wp <!-- s --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/023-pray.gif" alt="" title="" /><!-- s -->
by that, I mean congratulations <!-- s:yaaah: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/024-yaaah.gif" alt=":yaaah:" title=":yaaah:" /><!-- s:yaaah: -->