Survey Report : Mini Games Server
#Â 175Â people has viewed the survey.
#Â 107Â people has started the survey.
#Â 77Â people has completed the survey.
How satisfied are you with the following:
43 % are satisfied with our homepage. Meanwhile 39% percent is satisfied. This gives us a result of: 82% is satisfied with our homepage. These numbers are good. Personally, I am very satisfied with our current homepage also. Sadly, a 6% (6 people) are not satisfied with our homepage. Not that 6% is much, but all votes counts.Â
However, we just got a new homepage last year. Personally, it is the best one we have ever had. That is my opinion at least. But I am always open for ideas, so if you do have feedback to improve our website, please say so.
There will always be some players who does not like our forum. Some players prefers darker colour, meanwhile some prefers white and light. However, I am glad we changed from phpbb to mybb. This is because this forum is easier to use, and better. I did though that the results of the forum would be different that there would be more people who were not satisfied.
Over 80% are satisfied with our server. This I am happy with. Obviously, there are stuff we can improve, but having a satisfaction of 85% is good and I am happy with this.
Same goes for the games. Over 80% are satisfied with our games. Good!
It’s not like there is much to be either satisfied or not satisfied with at irc. But most people are satisfied with irc.
Here we see a satisfaction of 70%. A bit less than expected. The panel is build to give more features the higher level you have. With this I mean that, if you are an admin you have more features than a regular player. Same goes for the Management Team and vips. But I am always open for ideas for what to do and what to improve. We can always be better. So please do tell what you want to see!
How satisfied are you with the following work of the adminstrators:
It seems like most of the players are satisfied with the different ranks. But the results of this will be hidden from the players. I and Stefy will be going over the results of the administrators to see what to improve and what our opinion is. We will be sharing the results with the administrator team.
How satisfied are you with the following updates:
Server updates:
Ca 80% are satisfied with our server updates. I did though this would be less, but seeing this makes me happy. However, there are stuff to be made and stuff to improve. Will not hide this. However, seeing that the players are this satisfied with server updates makes me happy.Â
Website Updates & Panel:
Not that there has been many website updates unless the last homepage update. But people are satisfied with it! Panel are also satisfied.
Game Updates:
This is like a roller-coaster.. Sometimes we make more games, sometimes less. There has been a lot of new games this year. We got 200 games now, and a lot of new and interesting games during the year.
Open Text Arenas:Â
All open text arenas will not be showed here. The reason of this can be that it's either offensive, attacking or private.Â
But everything has been readed.Â
The results of the administrator work has not been published for the players.
Is there anything you want us to make on the website/player panel:
Add like system for games so we could choose the top games:
As explained in my new year speach then I am currently working on a new games page. I do hope that I manage to make a way of voting for games.
No nothing every thing is goodÂ
 But in forums add a separate board called as player assistance.This is required because today I saw player saying that I'm new to Multiplayer help me! like that.!So if there is a section like this the newbies can ask a player to assist him so that it'll help the server a lot and the player can understand what this is server meant for.
Personally I don't understand the idea. We have two boards called: Help and a subforum called: Tutorials /Â FAQ.
You are free to use these boards to either help the players or make tutorials.
As our server is a missions server, then it's not like there are much to help the players with.Â
I'm very very satisfied with the website and it looks really awesome. You should just fix the "Now Playing" part and add images. Another thing you could add is a description for each mini-game with images. Like let's say you have a list of games and when you click on each one, it redirects you to a page with a picture of the game and basic info about it (teams, guns, purpose etc...). For the player panel, I suggest you add a "Player Experience" part where you can see your progress on each mini-game you played (let's say a list of 10 games max that is refreshed throughout). This part should include your number of kills, deaths, the score you earned in the game, and whether you did win or not.
The "now playing" part is a job for both BassLovah and Stefy. Sadly there is only about 50 games which got it. But we will definlity speed the job here!
The information about the games we already have at our games register: Here you can get information about all games. This is also both BassLovah & Stefy's job to update the information, and they are working on it. But will push them! But on the new games register coming in some months, will probably show images rather than text.
Your last idea is also interesting, but it will definility be loads of data to save. 60000 players having this data for over 200 games? and different data for 200 games?Â
But in the new games register you will have ability to see top 5 race records. Maybe your race record also.
Website - At the moment , no . Player panel - largest killing spree , most kills in one round or records
Good idea to save your largest killing spree. This we will do! Same goes for Most Kills in one round.
wtf is website? Its forum or what...idk idk its my slow ass internet or your forum but its laggy... I dont open forum much becoz it take hell lot of time to open forum and read topics and reply there. 2 min job takes 5 min to do....
This has to be a problem at your side. For the forum and website opens in less than 2 seconds. Same goes for website.
Glad you reminded me at this! I will definility get this back and up again. This will be a feature for the VIP's at the "VIP Control Panel". Added to my todo list.
All Thing is prefect soo i need nothing. but i need one thing that is link of ur radio:
The page we had last time we had the radio ain't working at the moment. Therefor I'm currently awaiting for Grape to finish the page hes making for us. It will come!Â
the only thing i want to tell you about it that the website is not updating regularly such as it took with me a lot of time to find this survey why there isn't any ad or pop up or shortcut in the site to take me to the survey
Good suggestion! I have made it now so it's ready for use :-)
more stats info on UCP, make a new page where players can offer a ideas about new games on server
Before the players had ability to report both ideas and suggestions via the server. But I think it's the best to have it at the forum, as it also brings activity to our forum. This is also important, as we need activity here and at the panel.
Yes , Iwant to say thhat you have to make moderator application
We had administrator applications back in MG v1. This is something I said and I won't change on that we will never add to MG v2. So it stays like this. If you are unsure about how to be an admin or what you need to do to be an admin, then read this:
Is there anything you miss / want us to script ingame:
Script few new sort missions like destroy the battlefield etc
Make the maps, suggest it and we will try making it.
new team balance script!!! /bet sys on LMS (NO LTS)
We just added a new team balancer. And it works good :-) Â Betting for LMS will be considered.
I miss the races game modes.
I'm sorry for the delay here. I just enabled 3 races today for a testing phrase, and I hope everything will be good! If so, then I will add all back.
Allow In-game users to send private message to users on the IRC channels.
Will be done!
Bring back some old mini-games or do an exclusive rework of them, that would be great! I loved the Prison Break gamemode we had back in 2009 and if you could re-map & re-script it, that would be great and I'm sure a lot of players would enjoy it.
Most of the games from MG v1 is already ingame. The ones that are not ingame are the ones that the players hates.
Example; Barron Race, Fire in the hole, etc.. Prison Break I would love to get back. But I dont remember how it looks like. I have one picture from it, but its too little for me to make it again. We tried sending a pm to [Ask]Terminator if he still has it, but there have been no replies yet.
So if you have details for us to make it again, then send us.
Vote system for next game , anti-cheats system and to fix the top5 highscores in races because it doesn't work good.
We are doing a poll now to see about voting for next game. Anti cheat is working fine, and we have active administrators at the moment.
Top 5 race times works fine. A command for the Management Team is coming to reset times of "hacked times".
But do note, players with less than 100 score wont be added to the list. So this helps to make hackers not entering the list.
I don't like something, is that, i know that the server use a random change minigame, but sometimes the minigames also are repeated too fast... and if we see the list of the /games are 196, and we the most time don't try the others that we don't play.. i don't know but is hapenning something strange with the random change minigame :/
The system should work that last 30 games wont be repeated. But we will look into upgading itÂ

i want to suggest creating section " achievements " just to make every player enter the server everyday and to increase his reputation ( in my opinion achievements must be according to everyone's score or create a new system called levels to easily make those achievements thanks for listing to us 
Adding an achievement system is something we wish to do. And it will be done. But we need ideas for what achievements to be added. So please add it in Suggestions.
Actually no, but /toys would be nice, I think in this kind of a game, players would like to have an option to personalize and customize their character, even though characters change every game. But if it would cause lag, NO! xD
This will be added to our todo list. I wont promise it, but we will try.
Oh yes, there are so many mistakes in mappings, for example, Liberty city fireworks u can jump out of a map.
Report it in Bug reports and we will fix it :

change button to reset race from "scroll wheel" to other because that button GTA use for looking back
We will consider changing it to an different buttom.Â
There might be some kind of different /lotto thing, system. Some betting on something or something like that. If something dope will hop in my mind I'll probably suggest it. At the moment I have no stright ideas for that and how it might work exactly. Guns for both teams in TDM's should be same - living example: The Deadly Labyrinth, green team has M4's and blue team has AK-47's which is not fair at all. Also it's not even possible to use /shop command in that mission. VIP's armors should be removed in LMS/LTM standing missions, because most of the players are not focusing on VIP's to get their armor low and get everyone's health in ~same level, but on kills in this kind of missions which is not fair at all also.
Lotto changes: Suggest them. Guns are decided by the mappers. We put what they request. If you do feel that some games should be changed as they are complete unfair, then do suggest it and we will consider changing them.
Shop is also decided by the owners if it should be disabled or not.Â
Armour is best thing that vip has. So decrasing it in LMS and LTS I don't know about. But please do suggest this in Suggestions so we can have more opinions about it.
Spawnprotection, against spawnkilling.
We have had spawn protection on one game for some weeks now. We are now in the progress of adding it to most games (Not race, LMS, LTS ..)
Wouldn't it be cool if we have the ability to check others /stats ?
Have you tried to click on TAB then double click on a name?
Or do /stats ID?
If not, suggest it and we will definility make it!
a top5 in game :/
Will be made!
How do you think the status of our games are? Are they good? Bad? Need of updates? Please give us some comments about them and rate overally how good our games are from 1 (bad) - 10Â
ah!the current games are good! The thing is majority of the games are like there Team A and Team B,Team B should steal something or plant a bomb or something.Think something new guys! I would give 8/10Â 
Suggest it, map it and we make itÂ
There are around 10 games need to be re-mapped. as there are some objects aren't added well and lets the players to go out of the map range, or sometimes making them getting stuck. Also i would like to suggest that if we can have a Mappers Team, yes.. because some people are just submitting maps which they didn't even test them, and for the rewards too, in short, we need games that people don't get bored of, and well-designed maps. Updates are good, maps too, however there are some need to be totally re-mapped. I'm rating the games 8/10
Inform us about these games in "Bug reports" and we fil fix them :

When we test games, we ask players that are on IRC.
Need of updates....Anti Spawn kill | Put more item in shop Make an update that can make all players ping under 50 :p ( I don't care how you do it but please I beg on you ) I can rate 7/10
Anti Spaw Kill is coming. Shop items? Suggest it! haha, all ping under 50 is impossible xD Wish it could be done..
How good are the games: 7-8/10 I personally get really bored with the games because they're basically the same thing over and over again. You have a lot if not too many DM games and that gets over my head at some point. I think the server needs more TDM-Races-Parkour games. Also if you could balance the games in a way that successive games are from different game-modes that would be great too. DM after DM after DM is boring. Some of the games are not balanced, which results in a team constantly losing. You might consider revising them. You introduced some changes that make the game harder for certain teams like disallowing players to use vehicles once they have stolen a box in "The Barbarian" for example. The other team can just camp in the box location and the other team won't have a single chance. By just looking at win-loss statistics you can guess which games are balanced and which are not.
Make maps and suggest them and we make them :

Suggestion for changes in games please suggest them, so we can do it!
8,5 . I like the games and i hope you will make updates with new games every week . I would like to see a new type of games like LMS/LTS with cars that have miniguns/rocket launchers/different guns on levels or a football game with cars or not if it is possible or a type a parkour with high jumps on buildings (like when you jump with kangoroo password in SA ) or something else . I know it's hard to make but in my opinion this type of games can bring more players .
Map it and we make it!
Are good, i saw that you put another minigames and are ok, but are someone for example the one of the Christmas (i don't remember name) that is a good map, yes, but is laggy... and is more than 10 minutes for it, 15 minutes or something the minigame?? I don't remember exactly. The games are better than a lot of boring games of another servers, then keep it as now or better making new games 
Make the maps and we make the games!
We have only one game which lasts longer than 10 minutes, and that is The christmas map. As it's a special map and only enabled during the christmas.
Overall I can give like 8. Some games last way too much and the biggest problem is on the bombing/stealing games where defending spawns are very close to cps. And some games can be a bit boring, and some are awesome, but that's just personal preference. 
Inform us about these games and we will have it fixed!
Is there anything else you want to tell us? Everything can help! (This is the last question)
I hope you will make a new type of games and if you can a anti-cheats system . You can make more reaction test with questions . It will be nice when you make a 10+ killing spree to win cookies or if you want score/money or something like this 5 - 1 score 8 - 3 score 10 - 2 cookies 13 - 5 score 15- 10k 20- 3 cookies 25 - 10 score . These are my ideas for server and i hope you will like them 
Cookies is only for behavior so adding cookies at killing spree wont happend.
Yes, i think you need to change something.. when you are for example in a race and you finish you are automatically teleported to the place where you are in a DM zone, right? That is good for don't keep waiting minutes doing nothing while the other players are finishing to start another minigame. But would be good to put an dialog to select if you want to enter DM or not because you maybe don't want to play DM always after one race. Or when you are in a DM and you want to be as AFK or without playing DM and you only want to wait the next minigame to have an command the disappear from the DM and be AFK until the minigame finish. Will need do also some time to wait until to go back to DM zone after using the cmd for AFK to don't abuse it.
I am currently making that there will be a dialog after you finish the race so you can select what you want to do. If you either want to DM, Stunt Arena or Chill arena. This is being doneÂ

I wanted to post this on "Is there anything you miss / want us to script ingame:" but it would be messy. I know that both what I suggested there (/toys) and some kind of accomplishments and ranks were suggested many times, but I think players really like that and it would be nice to have it. But, it's just a suggestion, I really like what server has become nowadays, so everything in it's time. 
We will try adding toys back, but wont promise anything!
We thank you all for sumbiting your replies in our survey. As you might see, alot of comments are not showed here. But trust me, I read them all!
Below you will see who are candidate of winning VIP and who won! Thank you all :-)
We will try doing a survey each 6th month.
Best regards,