Survey Results


Survey Report : Mini Games Server

106 people has viewed the survey.
80 people has started the survey.
61 people has finished the survey.

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Most of the results from the Real-Time Summary Report is satisfied. People are satisfied with the server, website. The results from the Real-Time Summary Report ain't the most important one. The Open-Ended Text Report is.

Results from the Open-Ended Text Report
Is there anything you want us to make on the website/player panel:
VIP pannel
The players want a VIP panel. My question is, what does the player wants in the VIP Panel. For me to make a VIP Panel I need to know what to put in it so please suggest it.

I want to be able to join player panel via mobile, if you're against this idea, just leavr it, no worries. Smile
I have not tried to connect to the panel via phone but this will be done after I've checked it it works.

just add a new player panel since a new homepage is cretaed, that all, nothing else
New Panel is in progress.

The players banned from server should be banned from forums too.
This won't be done. The server Rules & The forum rules are different.

If can be maked, Something that shows the Current game mode In the Website, At the player panel, it's ok, & the images shown need to be more new, Since they've been made long time ago, also, a change log in the website/UCP
We have a monitor in progress. This will help us to show the current game in the website. We have also recently added a Monitor on our homepage by going to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and down on the page you can see server stats. You can also see the current game there and more. There is also a changelog on the homepage already, which can be found at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

maybe add a list of all the minigames in order, not separated in what kind of minigame are they
This has been made Smile Check <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

at the player pannel i want to see that how many times :-
1.i scored maximum kills
2. i have best kill ratio
3.maximum score

This here will include changing in our system. We have to add this to our administrator script and then we can add it ingame. So we will think about it.

Probably having a more visual forum I mean, with all the respect, its horrible. I may help you with that, if you want. Probably some SMF Theme and others.
SMF Themes won't work on phpbb. I have a lot to do at the moment but I will keep on working and trying to change the forum theme to something nicer.

to put more controls for those who cheat.
What do you suggest?

player ratio
We have a player ratio which can be checked in your /stats

Well, One the website i Suggest you to make a good professional website. Every section Should be in order. For example : let me give a quick tutorial.
Forum should be like this :
First should come the server info.
i.e its rules , Guidelines etc.
Then there should be section For General Discussions.
After that there should be section for User support's i.e they can ask for help , regarding their account problem etc.
Then there should be section for bug reports.
After that There should be player/admin report section.
And i Suggest there should be a private forum for VIP's too.

Good suggestion. This here will reqruie a lot of work but I will take in into consideration. We also have "Help" forum for asking about help. We have a forum for Bug reports. We use the player panel for reporting players and admin reports won't be solved in the public.

The website is good, i like it, but the log on bit annoys me, you could change that, but everything is great. And i love the skin! Smile
We are currently working on a new UCP which will be better.

A list of the minigames in this type of order on the website (GM0, GM1, GM2, GM3 etc..)(DONE)
This will be made.

Is there anything you miss / want us to script ingame:
The timer inside the maps,showing the remaining time for the next map.
This here is under progress and most games got a timer now.

Yes a new team balancer and g bug stopper.
Rewriting team balancer is in progress and we have added in our server rules that b bug is forbidden.

ot script, just replace weapons at zero 3 which are bugged and they're; chainsaw and fire extinguisher. Smile
Rub has looked at this and he has fixed it.

Add games of cops and criminals
We makes games which players ask, make a map and suggest it and we will add it if it's good.

yes, cookies at all people with finish races first, second and 3rd positions and people that report hackers
We will take this into consideration. But currently it's up to the server administrators if they do it or not.

Some old games like Titanic escape, The barbarian, etc
Titanic Escape is in being made by Rub. The Barbarian is made and is ingame.

multilingual server
This would reqruie us to completly change the server's script and it would take too much time and work and effort.

Some more commands and armor for normal members.
Armor is a special feature for VIPS and won't be added to the normal players. What you mean by some more commands? Please suggest them in "Suggestions".

anti-chat, anti-spam, anti-flame, etc..
differents game type such as Last Man Standing ..

We will work on it.
We have also just added a Last Team Standing game and Last Man Standing games.

The best time in races to show how skilled/how fast is the player
Reduce the price of some Vehicles/weapons, & some more weapons to the regular player store
Good idea but this will take a lot of effort and we have to completly change all of the games but we will definility make it.
About prices, we won't change the prices but please open a topic in "Suggestions" with what vehicles and weapons we should add.

Add more cmds for admins.
Add add more $ for each kill.
Add /givescore for admins:
Gifts are fun.

Suggest them in Administrator suggestions then we will consider it. We won't change the amount of $ on each kill.
/Givescore won't be added. Maybe for the Management Team.
Gifts are fun, that's why we have cookies.

jetpack for lvl 4 lol
Will be done.

easier and less detectable way to check for health hacks, something like /poke that only takes 1 hp.
maybe add at least a basic server anti cheat?

Good idea, We will definility make a /poke command.
We will add an anti cheat. But it needs to fit with our games as each games uses different weapons..

big goobi textdarw
Suggest in "Suggestions" what kind of textdraws we should add. We have just added timers for all games which means we have added an textdraw.

Yeah /givemoney lol
This may be added back as we use server side money system now. We will add it.

It would be very good if somehow people dont TJ (team jack). Because its really annoying when they jack. Icon_e_sad
We have a anti team jack. So if it doesen't work, please report it in the Bug reports.

i a particular map ..when i buy a wepon from the shop....after my death i lost that wepon..i want that if i buy same wepon in that map then its cost become half ...only for that map...because earning money is too hard in minigame.
Earning money is easy ^^ And we will consider it.

Maybe an ingame counter or a script that lets you hear any internet radio you want
Ingame counter? And a radio is coming in August / September.

More Missions and more weapons for non-vip players.
More missions? We have 59 missions. Suggest in "Game Suggestions" if you got ideas for more.
Suggest what weapons to add in "Suggestions".

anti-ram rule
Ramming is fine and making ramming forbidden will give too much work for the administrators.

Well if you answer the math question you get a cookie and for every 100 score you get you get like a certain number of Cookies <3
Good idea, We will consider adding it.

Well, I Suggest you guys should Add some NPC and Game-bots so that even though when admins are not online server should be clean.
Also i suggest we should make more DM map's so that player don't get bored. And let the more creative ideas come to the people.

We won't add NPC / Game-bots. They take slots and will be useless.
We are working on making more unique maps. If people got ideas, then "Suggestions" are always open.

Bit better stats system and spawn killing restriction.
What do you suggest?
Also we have spawn protection in one game at the moment and we will definility add it for the rest of the games.

A radio/sound plug-in like the headshot sound from CS that we once had in the server.
Maybe. I don't know, if we add this we can't have MG radio back so.

Yes, just please add more animation script and updated animation script like uncuff and cuffed that ever released by SAMP server 0.3e, almost every server using that updated animations
We will.

Maybe a kind of tournament.
What kind of tournament?

Is there anything else you wish to tell us:
Yeah, We need some new gamemodes, & tournaments days, also with events in some determined time
I like creative players. So if you got creative ideas for gamemodes, tournaments or events please suggest them and we will consider them..

to put more managers who speak Spanish because there are very few.
Rub is Manager and he speaks spanish.

I wish for the management team to create more mini games.
2 games each week. That's our goal

We have recently changed on the way we accept games and make games. Are you satisfied with the new way we accept games on and do you think this way is better then the old way? Reply if you have comments.

I'm sure scripting game modes is a lot of work but I feel like we're somehow diluting the fun in MG by making all game modes the same but with different-looking maps. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's time to innovate, make game modes more dynamic, fun, not a deathmatch with skins in speedos and call it "beach fight" or whatever and pretend it's something new and interesting.
I hope Zez and Rub don't take this the wrong way, they're pretty much the only ones keeping the server fresh but the truth is, even with the best of intentions, they're just recycling what we all know. We should emphasize promoting new ideas.

Suggest them in Game Suggestions and we will add them.
Also, "Zezi and Rub"? I, Rub & Dimi is the scripters.

We want to add more to the VIP: What do you want to see? And do you have comments?
Skins + hat mask etc like on SV. Add funy items on /shop
Good ideas, we will consider making this.

Yes u should add a laser to the players weapon. And vip is good
I rather want laser for VIPS, we will consider making this.

Adding more weapons to VIP shop will be cool. Maybe some vehicles :3
Please suggest in "Suggestions" what kind of weapons & vehicles you want added.

if it's possible add special skins for vip.
It's in progress.

The benefits of VIP are excellent, you just add a payment method Morocco or other countries I do not like much paypal
Our payments are done trought Volt-Host so there are nothing we can do about this.

There should be a VIP chat.
VIP's should be given more rounds of bullets
First lane should be first filled with VIP's
For Their Sake xD

VIP got a chat already. More rounds of bullets? We normally give out like 9000 bullets which is enough.
First lane? I don't get what you mean about this. Please suggest it in "Suggestions".

Hmm , i think there should be /votekick . It is good when there's no admin/mod ingame
No. We have have spoke about this too many times and it won't be added.

good weapons, cars, etc.
Suggest in "Suggestions" what we should add.

Reduce the prices of some items which can be Earned easily
Suggest in "Suggestions" exatcly what and why.

Add a special skin for ''VIPS''.
Add more cmds for ''VIPS''
Add a new section on forum for ''VIPS''

Special VIP skin is coming. If you have suggestion for more cmds please suggest in the "Suggestions". VIPS Will get their private forum.

more vehicles, more weapons, maybe ingame perks you can buy?
fix vip dying when spawned bug

Again, suggest in "Suggestions" what we should add.

More commands; I'm sure other players have ideas,unfortunately, I can't think of anything at the moment. Comment; does not concern MG: I just wish Serbia had PayPal abilities. But nobody to complain to.
Suggest in "Suggestions" what to add. Also, you should contact PayPal why they don't allowe serbia.

Given there aren't many regular players (i.e players with over 5000 score), the prices for guns and vehicles are far too high, which is to my understanding, making VIP a lot less appealing.
Suggest in "Suggestions" exatcly what prices to edit on and why.

I want to see the features of VIP :O.
Check <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Add more weapons VIP can buy, 3 is too little ._.. and perhaps more VIP only vehicles. maybe add a Rhino to buy
Again, suggest in "Suggestions" what we should add.

I think VIP is good. But it would be cool if VIP could get free money every day. Of course not much but just a little.
VIP's get money each minute or something.

Umm. I think that VIP should be able to /vkick (in case of abuse, retired) and /vmute. Also VIP should be able to give cookies!
Giving cookies may sound as a good idea. But only with a limit each day. I don't know about /vkick & /vmute

I want to see vip for score and stats to.. i don't like players who buys vip but they don't know what's about and what did they need to do.. being admin is an huge responsabillity, vip too.. and yes i have comments! Smile
I don't get what you mean. Please suggest in "Suggestions" what you mean.

hmm,Maybe a VIP skin so if ur vip u can pick it before every game
Under progress Smile

Well yes, VIP's Should have access to some special weapons and and Vehicles. VIP's should get more score and money each kill. And access to the private forum ( If you have one).
They got access to some special weapons & vehicles. An private VIP forum is coming. Check <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to see their features.

Bit less privileges to the vips like the armor and less money and score adding.
Armor is one of the main features so no that won't be removed.

Maybe more custom car , weapon and maybe some special function.
Please suggest in "Suggestions" exatcly what we should add.

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

It seems like my answers just plainly got ignored?!


It seems like my answers just plainly got ignored?!

Same here bro.

[Image: zFTwE.gif]

Some got ignored because it was personally but the Management Team has seen all of the answers.

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

aparently, You got the most important ones.

But my mind fail so i didnt seen any mine.

Anyway, the answers given where good & legit :0

[Image: Signature.php?player_name=Milozard&color=2&design=12]

Life is a dream, Which one allow us to do whatever we want, We must take any advantage of it, because when we die, The dream would never restart.

easier and less detectable way to check for health hacks, something like /poke that only takes 1 hp.
maybe add at least a basic server anti cheat?
Good idea, We will definility make a /poke command

Lol a /poke command? what will this possibly do? hackers are fine to check for cheating already :\

[00:24] <&MG3> *** [M.G]Fuckensio killed Minion. (Vehicle Collision [Head Shot]) ._.
[Image: 2GPgLTR.png]
[Image: Signature.php?acc_id=48408&color=7&design=0]

Quote:We want to add more to the VIP: What do you want to see? And do you have comments?
Skins + hat mask etc like on SV. Add funy items on /shop
Good ideas, we will consider making this.

fuck yeah my idea noraj


A radio/sound plug-in like the headshot sound from CS that we once had in the server.
Maybe. I don't know, if we add this we can't have MG radio back so.

We still have this... Use /sound if you don't hear it. On each game change message appears if it's disabled...

[Image: s.php?acc_id=1&color=7]
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