Event: Register and post 5 useful topics!


We have an running event at the moment: Register and post 5 useful topics!

You have to register on our Forums (If you have already registered then you can't join). When you've registered, you need to post 5 useful posts or topics. When that's done, you have to reply below with your in-game username and you will be given your 3 days of VIP.

- Your post/topics have to be useful, not bullshit spam like "lol".
- This even lasts from: 10.06.12 untill 14.06.2012

Good luck!

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

bere that means i cant? as i am already registered?

[Image: ?di=QRLA]
made by me Biggrin

Yeah , if you are already registered,you can't join to the event .. sorry.



[Image: ?di=QRLA]
made by me Biggrin

Done :]
Ingame name: Molly


You will be given VIP when you come ingame Molly Icon_e_wink

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

Time is over, Molly wins and she already got her prize. <!-- sWhip --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/whip.gif" alt="Whip" title="Whip" /><!-- sWhip -->

Event Finished.

<!-- sIcon_e_confusedmash: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smash.gif" alt="Icon_e_confusedmash:" title="Icon_e_confusedmash:" /><!-- sIcon_e_confusedmash: -->

Topic Locked!

[Image: Signature.php?acc_id=2&color=3&design=5]
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