Community Update: We are closing down 28/02-22


M M Server. you sold it easily while you worked hard to save MG.
M M Was great and important part of this community , But ... I'm just here to say RIP Mini--Missions server .


Our discord will not close so feel free to join it Smile Link:

Sohkran come there <3

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

Sad. But that is the reality. SAMP has been going down long time. Its not only last year or last 2 years. i´m old player and some servers on which I played and played there 250 players have long since closed. Thank you for all moment with you guys. thank you for giving me a chance to be an admin on the best servers that existed. but most thanks for the great friends. enjoy last moments and good luck in your real life :3

[Image: 15151409_1337052662971766_1664974754_n.jpg]


oh lord, well everything nice comes to an end. The server will always stay in our hearts.

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Mini Games was the best place for me to enjoy and have some fun when i'm bored, i remember playing alone with zero playerbase and it was really fun. Also it was my pleasure to be a leader of CbK with noob SaK, and Stefy D: No.1 clan in MG no doubts, yeah we all had a great time here and great moments thanks to Beremix! he did a great job making the server one of the best servers during the past years till this moment.

much love <3


To all good things must come an end, and the end of Mini Games is now. I'm suprised that it lasted so long, nearly 13 years(!)

But not an end to the friendships that have been build over the years, the server is just down.
Ill check discord from time to time to stay in touch.
The end of an era.

Mini Games Server Founder


Sad to see MG ending. Although I haven't been online for quite a long time, I have lots of good memories from over the years. Thank you to everyone for the good times we spent here.

[Image: s.php?acc_id=179256&color=7&design=0]                                                                                                                                                                      

just stopped by and found that MG's hanging up it's boots :o. Well, I also wanna thank everyone in this community for the good times this place has created and wish y'all the very best. Adios fellows! <3


It had to come someday, but it's still a sad thing. I've had lots of fun on the server and also on other places with you guys. Even though my time as an active admin only lasted about 2 years I can still remember all of the team member names from back then. Good memories!

Also the competition between the 2 MG clans i9/iTG and Air was fun. And our minecraft server ofcourse!

I will also check on the discord once in a while.
Thanks for all the memories and I wish you all the best.


[Image: 5b6uzm.jpghttp:]

(ToT) (ToT) I was really looking to find some time to play here again.. This server was one of the best memories I had from childhood, while I was at my army school, on my vacations it was these games that made me feel at home. It was this server's gamemodes that inspired me to make my own server - I never got time to do that, but I was always going to do it someday. So I wanted to come and play again and I just saw that it's shutting down. I wish I could help this server with funds but right now I'm still a student. If it's possible to revive this server in the future, I will definitely find a way to support it.

I doubt sa-mp can be saved sadly. And that's the main problem.

I strongly believe that anything that you really care about can be saved. And it's not true either that no one would want this server. I do, but I'm not in the position to run it yet. It's from MichaelBelgium that I learned that MGS (and ** & Exp-G) runs on OVH - and that's exactly what I chose for my startup's VPS. Also I still look upto Michael's website for a resume inspiration.

Also SAMP has been "dying" since much before Kalcor left, and it was scaring everyone. Maybe Kalcor felt the same fear over time. But still people are trying to make OpenMP for example, and it just got in beta last month. I think people get busy, yes - I was in school and then I got into college, but I think people come back, if there's something to come back to.

I'm very sleepy after going through the forum, but if there's anything I can do to keep the server alive, I will. I don't understand why you think no one is interested in buying this server - everything about this is beautiful - all those games and maps - I can only imagine how beautiful the code is; and the radio DJ system - MGS is the best thing that has happened to my life, and I value it as such. Let me know how much is a good price for this. Right now, all I have is $200 in investments, and I'm willing to use it if that's the only way to save the server. But that won't be able to run the server. I'll work hard and get a good income in ~2-3 years and I'll be able to afford this server. I assume it takes ~$590 in 3 months, from a quick glance at old posts. But please keep the server files alive for 2-3 years even if this shuts down, because when I can, I WILL buy this. What's the point of working hard and earning money if by then you lose everything you cared about?


Work hard, until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
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