Respected Players
As of yesterday then there has been set changes to the Respected Players in the server. Reason for this is that I want to make it harder to become an Respected Player. This is the 3rd time we do changes to the Respected Players, but I believe it will be the final also. All current Respected Players are removed.
Reason for the change is that when we have a rank called "Respected Player" then it means it's something you have to earn by doing something good, and shouldn't be easy. It shouldn't be easy to achieve that rank. How can it be Respected to have for example 50000 score (in the past).. Anyway, the system about reputation wasn't how it should be, as there was too many Respected Players.
Therefore, I've now added a new system that was first suggested for the Admin Team, and approved by them. By having this team we will now be able to have more control on who gets the Respected Player status by having applications, and at the same time we can have control on the activity on the team. The team will be more Respected by them having a own rank in the forum, and possible a own color in discord also.Â
The application format will be up during the next days.
Proud Justin Bieber fan!
<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix