Forum Rules


We've established these rules so everyone can get the most out of our Forums.

We reserve the right to remove messages which:
   - Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack, or offend others.
   - Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, or abusive.
   - Contain swear words or other language likely to offend.
   - Advertise products or services for profit or gain.
   - Are seen to impersonate someone else.
   - Include contact details such as phone numbers, postal codes, etc.
   - Contain links to other websites which break our guidelines.
   - Are considered to be "spam", that is posts containing the same, or similar, message posted multiple times.
   - Are considered to be off-topic for the particular board.
   - Are considered as trolling in other sections of the Forums other than Troll Place.
   - Images having "Trolling Languages" in other sections of the Forums other than Troll Place.
   - Does not use spoiler on videos 

Signatures and Advertising:
   - Advertising things not related to Mini Games Server /**** ********/eXtreme Missions or Exp-Gaming is forbidden.
   - Your signature must not exceed 500 characters.
   - Failing to follow the rules will get your signature/image removed. Persisting will get you warning and possibly a forum ban.
   - Your signature must not be bigger than the image below(*x250) :
[Image: YdwUXo2.jpg]

Warez, Illegal Activities, Etc:
   - We have a strict no warez policy. Any posts containing links to such sites will be removed.
   - Any discussion of hacking on SA:MP is strictly forbidden on our Forums.
   - No pornography at all. The rating 18+ does not apply on these Forums, as there are children viewing these Forums.

We reserve the right to remove links to websites which are:
   - Broken.
   - Unsuitable for our audience.

Unsuitable websites may include:
   - Pornography and sexually explicit content.
   - Text and images likely to offend most people.
   - Hate sites (on grounds of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation).

- Reputations given should be polite and proper.
- There is a limit of reputations able to give. If abuse is found to gain reputations, it will be removed.
- There should always be a proper reason for giving a reputation.
- You should not give the same user more than 2 reputation points per week.

- We want our Forums to be clean from trolling, that's why we made the Troll Place. If you wish to troll, that's the correct place.
- Anyone trolling outside the Troll Place may get warned and have their post removed.
- This also includes trolling images and videos. You should only post them in the Troll Place or else you may get warned.
- Your post count ain't increased when posting in the Troll Place.

Shoutbox Rules:
- Do not spam the chat.
- Do not bug up the chat by using huge images & quotes.

- Be kind towards others.
- Do not insult any one.

- Do not use the shoutbox to get unbanned etc.
- You should follow the forum rules too.
- Do not discuss about unbans, people you don't like / hate and about admin's decisions.

- If you don't have anything nice to say, then DON'T say it.
- The shoutbox is cleared at the 1st of each month.
- Any kind of negative hate or negative spread is forbidden in the shoutbox. Please contact Beremix instead of sharing it here!

Any one abusing the shoutbox will have their access to the shoutbox revoked. Like you will only be able to see the shoutbox & not use it.

Any forum posts removed for one of these reasons above may result in a forum warning. Continual warnings will result in your banning from our Forums. Play fair and have fun.

If you found someone breaking a forum rule, please report it via "report" button. Continue to give fake reports will lead into a forum warning.


1. Language: English is the only language allowed on our Forums. If you make an attempt to post in another language, it will be deleted. An infraction may be issued to the account if they continue. If you want to message someone on the server in a different language, please use the Private Message feature.

2. We understand that players like to have more than one game accounts. However, you only need one Forums account. If you create more than one forum account they will simply be deleted and set to Banned Accounts group. You won't have access to the Forums then. The reason for this is because we have players coming to the Forums, creating posts, making another account and then bumping it and giving a good opinion on their own view.

3. No posting of explicit or illegal content such as posting pornography, warez, cracks, and/or copyright content. If any of this is posted, it will be deleted and the user may receive a warning if it continues.

4. Do not advertise in anyway on this Forums. We don't expect people to post links to other websites such as other servers or any other communities. This will get your account deleted and your forum account banned.

5. Do not bump old topics or otherwise, you'll get a warn. Old Thread? Let's BUMP! - No, don't.

6. If you have nothing intelligent to say then do NOT post. Your post must be reasonable and useful. This includes posting to increase your post count.

7. Racial/Ethnic - If a forum name is related to this, your forum account WILL be banned and possible your in-game account too!

8. Be NICE! It's not hard. Respect all members of the community INCLUDING the staff. Insults/Abuse will NOT be tolerated at any other player.

Finally, If you need help, we're available. That's our job.

The Admin Team.


Updated 15/10-2017

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

Please read the signature rules....

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

- Reputations given should be polite and proper.
- There is a limit of reputations able to give. If abuse is found to gain reputations, it will be removed.
- There should always be a proper reason for giving a reputation.
- You should not give the same user more than 2 reputation points per week.

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

Signatures and Advertising:
   - Advertising things not related to Mini Games Server /**** ********/eXtreme Missions or Exp-Gaming is forbidden.
   - Your signature must not exceed 500 characters.
   - Failing to follow the rules will get your signature/image removed. Persisting will get you warning and possibly a forum ban.
   - Your signature must not be bigger than the image below(*x250) :
[Image: YdwUXo2.jpg]

Please follow these rules. There are many signatures that are huge. We will start removing signatures or blocking you from having a signature if you won't edit it yourself.

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix

If you found someone breaking a forum rule, please report it via "report" button. Continue to give fake reports will lead into a forum warning.

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix
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