New Ban system.


**/MG will now use a new ban system, for that all bans have been removed. Expect the permanent bans and the awaiting bans.

Some bans might not be unbanned too. This ban system stores a lot of data and can do a lot of things, which will come in updates.

I hope you all won't waste this chance by hacking or abusing again.


[Image: ntErsTD.png]

Some one call Sod memebers pls




hey i dont get it our ban data has been clean ?

                    Hate me or love me your choice 


In a way yes, bdhunter

--A long journey starts with a little step--
Here Since - 19/09/12
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[Image: nhx4MVq.png][Image: dIcTL9w.png][Image: qffQXiv.png]


Nice Work Sasuke Smile



[Image: izCbWxR.png]
Member of **** ******** Since May-June 2015
Experienced Player


Are they that so desperate to get playerbase higher? Great, daily amount of hackers will double...

My score...
[Image: s.php?acc_id=44720732&color=9]

[Image: official-walking-dead-fight-the-dead-fear-the-li.jpg]

Are they that so desperate to get playerbase higher? Great, daily amount of hackers will double...

I don't know what your problem is. But, clearning bans has nothing to do with playerbase or getting more players. We cleared all of the bans because of a new ban system. That's why!

Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix
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