Autovoice on irc



Starting from now then we have removed autovoice on the channels #**.echo & #mg.echo.
Reason for this is constant abuse from some "mibbit" accounts who spams our servers. And we can't start blocking mibbit.

Therefore, if you want to be able to communicate to the players ingame on irc then you will need to have an registered account.

Follow these instructions to get voice:
1. Register an account. 
Use the following command: /ns register password email (EXAMPLE: /ns register MyPassWordHere
2. Request an administrator to give you voice.
3. You can now chat!

Next time you join irc then you need to login to your account and you will be given voice. Use /ns identify PASSWORDHERE
Please remember that if you don't login to your account for 30 days then it will expire.


Server Owner 

Proud Justin Bieber fan!

<~Stefy> ah fuck bere you always make me horny
<~Stefy> everyone should know I wanna spend a night with beremix
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