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Paying with phone - Printable Version

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Paying with phone - Beremix - 02-15-2016


I'm sad to announce that starting from now Mini Games Server will not be offering paying with phone any more!

Reason for this is that the profit Mini Games Server is getting after the donations is way too little.
It's related to money. 

We've had paygol since 2013, and I don't know why I've kept it for so long time.
But it has to end now.

After 55 donations via paygol, and the profit of it = 18 euro. Then it's time to end it.
The taxes are way to high, and we don't earn anything on it.

Therefor, you can from now on only play via paypal! 

- Beremix

RE: Paying with phone - albers14 - 02-15-2016

Rip my VIP

RE: Paying with phone - Photon_ - 02-15-2016

and yet now I have to wait for years to know how to pay VIP with PayPal while I can't with those shitty transaction errors from what I get.. thank you for this announcement.

Gonna miss it anyhow. :'(